
Progressive Covenantalism: Charting a Course between Dispensational and Covenantal Theologies is unavailable, but you can change that!

Building on the foundation of Kingdom through Covenant (Crossway, 2012), Stephen J. Wellum and Brent E. Parker have assembled a team of scholars who offer a fresh perspective regarding the interrelationship between the biblical covenants. Each chapter seeks to demonstrate how the covenants serve as the backbone to the grand narrative of Scripture. For example, New Testament scholar Thomas...

Jesus’ first Sabbath controversy, according to Mark (Mark 2:23–28; cf. Matt 12:1–8; Luke 6:1–5), occurred when his disciples plucked heads of grain as they were walking through fields. The Pharisees complained to Jesus that their actions were contrary to the law (Mark 3:2). Presumably, Jesus could have cited Deuteronomy 23:25 saying that the disciples’ actions were permitted according to the OT law and did not constitute work. Instead, he appealed to David’s taking the showbread when he fled from
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